5 Tips to Stay Healthy on Vacation You Haven't Heard a Million Times

Traveling goes one of two ways for individuals working on improving their health or weight. We have, ladies and gents, the land of the free for all:

Its vacation time! Hello dessert after every meal and bottomless mimosas! Working out on vacation is LITERALLY illegal. 

We have, ladies and gents, the land of the worry wart:

I want to have fun, but I'm worried about what I'm going to eat. Will there be healthy options? What if we get ice cream? Will I be able to have my normal workout every day?

Been to both lands, got both shirts. Honestly, neither were as fun as the island in the middle of them.

So now I want to help YOU take full advantage of your vacation, without gaining the equivalent of a baby beluga whale.

  1. Take Advantage of Your Location

At the beach? Go for a morning beach run. Yoga on the beach. Beach volleyball. Swim.

In the mountains? This one’s obvious…hike that son of a gun. Unless it’s winter then I’d suggest skiing down it instead.

  1. Don’t Be Perfect

Can’t workout every day? No problem. Get your activity in by walking with your family, going on excursions or adventures. Play Frisbee. Just because you’re not physically in a gym doesn’t mean you’re not being active.

  1. Don’t Be Bullied.

Food is a bully sometimes. It says “Hey you’re on vacation…your stomach is now 15 times larger than when you’re at home,” in the land of the free for all. And in the land of the worry wart it says “Since we’re at a restaurant you’re suddenly going to gain fat. French fries give you love handles. So does one ice cream cone.”

LET ME TELL YOU FRANS. Neither of those are correct. Nope. Eat your vegetables, stop eating when you’re full (that’s the kicker) and have a dessert or two. Balance. One burger won’t make you fat just like one salad won’t make you thin.

  1. Go Local

Now is the time to ENJOY food. Indulge in the local cuisine. Order seafood if you’re at the beach. This is some of the most high quality food you can order, take advantage of it!

  1. Live Your Life

Vacations are one of the most cherished parts of living this crazy beautiful life. So live your life. See the city that you’re in. Relax. Do something that scares you. Go surfing. Try snowboarding. Just live. Because a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy weight.