Hormone Healing Update Part 3: Hormone reset cleanse

Good morning friends! Or afternoon, night, just hi! 

I want to start out by saying that this is simply me sharing my experience. Please do not use this to diagnose yourself, or make changes without first consulting a professional.

I’m excited to be updating you on what looks to be nearing the end of this hormone healing journey (why do I hate the word journey so much?). I talked here and here all about what made me start working with a naturopathic doctor, the symptoms I was having, the tests we did, and so much more. Definitely start there if you haven’t read those yet. 

A few months ago we started focusing a bit more on gut health along with my hormone balance. With that came quite a few changes that helped me FEEL so much more back to “normal.” We ran quite a few tests to find if anything was amiss in my gut. These tests took around 2 months to complete and find the answers to. In doing all of this, all of my tests came back relatively normal, except we weren’t able to finish out the SIBO test due to COVID (she strikes again my friends). This was both great news and really frustrating. You know when you feel off and you just want to know what’s going on? Well, that’s how I felt. 

After doing all of these tests my doctor gave me the go ahead to start taking the probiotic protocol we had talked about at our last appointment. We did this after all of the testing to make sure we could get a true measure of what was going on before starting a healing protocol. Friends. The probiotic made MAJOR changes. 

When I began working with my naturopath I was on a probiotic that I was taking in an effort to support my gut while on a trip to Morocco (which you know what cancelled but that’s besides the point). At this point she had me stop taking this probiotic. Oftentimes people with thyroid issues can have their symptoms worsen when taking probiotics. There is a lot of controversial evidence for this, but just to be safe she had me stop taking that so we could purely focus on my hormones without anything interfering. 

I think what made the difference this time was taking a very high quality probiotic in the correct dosage for my body. Sometimes over the counter or more mass made probiotics can do more harm than good, or simply have no effect at all. My probiotic protocol was taking a couple different probiotics at different doses to see what worked best with my body. Finding the one that worked for me truly did wonders. My digestion improved MASSIVELY, my acne began to clear up (it’s not perfect, but an improvement), and my mental clarity improved as well. 

Another major change I made was REALLY lowering the intensity and frequency of my workouts. Before even beginning the probiotic I noticed incredible changes when I focused on pilates and lower intensity workouts. I did this for about 2 months before bringing back any higher intensity like what I used to do. This was what I believe to be one of the best changes I made that brought the most improvement. My body clearly needed a reduction in biological stress. I am just now (3 months later) bringing back some HIIT (2 sessions max) into my routine and my body seems to be accepting it so far. I truly love this style of workout so I’m working to find a weekly schedule that really works for both my body and my mind. Right now I’m loving 2 HIIT sessions, 2-3 Strength, and pilates or walking for the rest of the week. 

At my most recent appointment (after all of the gut testing) we talked about what symptoms are still an issue for me, and how we’re going to start weaning off of my supplements in order to allow my body to function on it’s own while keeping my hormones balanced. This would help us see what supplements my body still needs to keep balance. 

The symptom still causing me the most frustration was belly fat and the fact that I felt like no matter what I was doing it still wasn’t budging. In regards to that, please read this first to see what I mean. We both agreed that the next step would be a hormone reset cleanse to help my body rid of the inflammation and toxins it is still holding onto, and support my body in being able to reduce the supplements I’ve been taking for hormone balance. 

The changes I’ve seen in hormone balance through supplementation and lifestyle in the past year that we’re working to hold onto without supplementation are: evidence of ovulation, regular cycles, normal cortisol levels, healthy adrenals, mental clarity, regular mood, and clearer skin. 

Okay, so let’s get into the cleanse. Before you go thinking I’m drinking juice for a month, not eating, or being incredibly strict with myself (which is a major no for me!) I want to explain to you what a hormone reset cleanse is, the benefits it provides, and what exactly MY cleanse consists of. You can read more about hormone reset cleanses in the books Beyond the Pill, and Woman Code, both of which I read about two years ago that helped me realize I needed to contact a naturopathic doctor. This sort of cleanse is an elimination diet that is NOT meant to turn into a lifestyle, and IS meant to be done under the supervision of a doctor, dietitian, nutritionist, health coach, etc. Each food that is eliminated is meant to be reintroduced in a specific way to notice if your body is intolerant to that specific food in which case you can eliminate it as much as necessary in your everyday life.  

Benefits of a Hormone Reset Cleanse:

  • Rid the body of toxins from food, household products, personal products, and your environment. 

  • Support the liver in its natural detox process through food (the body’s “detox” organ). 

  • Improve estrogen production/elimination. 

  • Support a healthy metabolism. 

  • Stabilize your blood sugar.

  • Its called a “reset” cleanse because it helps “reset” your body back to it’s “factory settings” where it should be in the first place. 

What to do:

  • No: sugar, processed foods, soy, corn, gluten, grains, sugar, dairy, alcohol, reduce caffeine (or eliminate for best results), reduce meat. 

  • Yes: my naturopath gave me certain vegetable (greens, cruciferous, color) measures to shoot for along with healthy fats and protein which I am going to keep confidential. I highly encourage you to seek support and guidance (through the books I mentioned above or a doctor) to do this if you feel your body needs this as well. Focus on veggies, fruits, legumes, high quality proteins, and healthy fats.

  • Focus on hunger and fullness and an optimal digestion eating environment - no tv, no phone, etc. 

  • I’ve been taking my fruit and veggie capsules daily (like greens and reds powders but 100% bioavailable for your body). These help support the detox process, reduce inflammation, and reduce biological stress.

  • Cleanse support practices such as sweating, castor oil rubs, saunas, and dry brushing 2-3 times per week.

  • Im taking detox support supplements as well. 

  • I made a couple What I Eat In A Day videos which you can see here and here to give you a glimpse of all the yummy food you can have!

What you can expect:

  • Reduction in water retention 

  • Better sleep 

  • More energy 

  • Clearer skin 

  • Reduced bloating 

  • Better digestion 

  • Potential weight loss 

  • Better periods 

  • Hormone balancing

What I've noticed:

  • My sweat is smelling different than normal. Weird right? But also so cool. The skin is your body’s largest method of detoxification so this showed me that the cleanse is working! 

  • The acne on my back has been one of my most frustrating symptoms. I’ve noticed this gradually improving and is much better than when we started!

  • Waking up early feeling awake. We’re talking 6am wake ups with no alarm! 

  • Craving whole foods and lots of veggies and fruits. 

  • Weight finally beginning to budge!! 

Whats been difficult:

  • Caffeine has been the hardest part for me. It’s part of my morning ritual and I just love the taste of it! I have tried to reduce it, but if I’m being honest not as much as I would’ve liked. It’s definitely still a goal of mine to reduce from 2 cups of caffeine a day to 1. 

  • Eating in silence. Why is this so hard?! I find I often look at pinterest, instagram stories, or watch TV while I eat. Not getting distracted and focusing on my food was actually such a challenge! Did you know you should be chewing at least 20 times? The average person only chews 3-5 times. This can play a huge role in digestive issues!

The eating style has been actually quite easy. I focused on the foods I LOVE that fit my protocol and that made it feel like a breeze. I definitely took time to prepare and make sure I had enough food on hand, and didn’t have anything I might be tempted to derail with which was also a key for me. Out of sight out of mind is so true for me. The foods I missed the most were oatmeal and my healthier pancakes that contain grains. But besides that, it felt so good to do!

How I’m Feeling After:

  • I’m craving ALL the veggies!

  • My blood sugar feels very balanced.

  • Full of healthy energy.

  • So happy to finally see some weight changes for the better.

  • Vibrant and clear.

  • Strong in my workouts.

  • More in tune with my body and what it needs. This was a goal of mine in doing this and one of the most rewarding effects!

  • Progress!

I contemplated sharing this because it is so individual and I don't want you to think you have to do this, or that it will be the magic pill for issues. If you’ve followed me for a while you know I have a very long history with a horrible relationship with food. I never want something like this to entice another human to experience what I once did. I know that what I put myself through back then is the reason I am having to do this work to bring my body back to normal now. Healing your body naturally and finding YOUR best health truly takes a lifestyle shift instead of quick fixes. If there’s anything I hope you've gotten from me sharing this it is that professional help will always be the best option. If you have any questions I am so happy to answer them! Either DM me here or email me here

I will definitely do another update when I feel like I’m 100% back to normal and no longer taking my supplements or anything. But until then, that’s it for today friends. 

