3 Reasons You Need To Try Matcha Green Tea

If you haven’t heard, Matcha Green Tea is moving it’s way up into Coffee’s territory. And for good reason! 

I go through cycles with coffee where it doesn’t do anything for me, it gives me a big ole dose of anxiety, or puts a smile on my face with a healthy caffeine rush. There’s no telling what I’m going to get! This is why I was initially attracted to Matcha in the first place. Then I learned about it’s numerous benefits, 3 of which I am going to share with you today! And of course, I won’t leave you hanging, I’ve included a recipe for my go-to matcha latte at the moment.  

1. A Clean Energy High - Sans Crash

As I’m sure you saw this coming given my little anecdote above, Matcha Green Tea provides a clean energy high that is longer lasting than coffee, and you get to bypass that dreadful crash that comes a few hours post-coffee. 

2. It’s High In Antioxidants 

Antioxidants support anti-aging, protect against infections and disease, reduce damage caused by oxidative stress, and protect against free radicals. These are all fancy ways of saying they help detoxify your body, and protect from further toxification that can cause illness, aging, weight gain, and more. It has been found that matcha green tea has significantly more antioxidants than its family member, regular green tea. Have I convinced you yet?! 

3. It is SO yummy and SO versatile 

If you look forward to lattes, you are going to love this one. It’s creamy, soft, and a perfect substitute for our beloved coffee! I also love adding it to my smoothies for a little energy boost!

Here is my go-to recipe for my morning Matcha lately: 

What you need:

  • 1-2 tsp Matcha Powder (a serving is 1 tsp, I personally like a bit more)

  • ½ cup Hot Water 

  • 1 Scoop Collagen (I love this one or this one for this recipe) 

  • ½ cup Almond Milk (or milk of choice) 

  • Few Stevia Drops 

What to do:

  • Using a frother (or small whisk) mix the matcha powder, collagen, and stevia with the hot water.

  • Using the frother again, froth the almond milk.

  • Pour almond milk over matcha mixture and stir to combine. Enjoy!

I’m actually waiting for my canister of Ancient Nutrition Matcha to come in the mail, I will definitely let you know if I love this one! Otherwise I’ve been using this one and I am loving it.

P.S. you can always use code “tokaleandback” for 20% off your first order of ancient nutrition products (a staple in our household).

Do you love matcha too? I’d love to hear your go-to recipe if you have one! Take a snapshot of it on the gram and tag me here @to.kale.and.back !

Happy Matcha-ing! 

