Top 5 Tips for At Home Workouts


Working out from home can come with more distractions these days. From the TV, to the bed looking cozier and cozier, kids, home responsibilities and more. Focus is important when it comes to making an at home workout effective! 

I try to stick to my normal “gym routine” when working out at home. Turn on some pump up music, have some caffeine, run over my workout, and start with a cardio warm up! 


If you’re like me, you don’t have much equipment to workout at home like you would at the gym. Upping the intensity will help you continue to progress and push your body the way you’re used to. I love doing this with either circuit training, or any type of high intensity intervak training (HIIT). This can be:

  • EMOM - every minute on the minute 

  • AMRAP - as many rounds as possible for a specified amount of time 

  • TABATA - 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds - 4 minutes total 

  • 30X30 - 30 seconds work, followed by 30 seconds rest 


Like I said, I don’t have much equipment for at home workouts and really rely on my bodyweight, some water bottles, and my resistance bands. So, in order to up the intensity and achieve the same level of workout you’re used to, time under tension can be so helpful. If you’re used to heavy squats, an at home version might be 30-50 banded sqauts, or 1 minute of squat jumps. Upping the repetitions significantly or performing the move with no rest for a specified amount of time will surely do the trick. 


Music is HUGE for me! I love working out to anything from Eminem, Kanye, to EDM Remixes depending on the day! If you’re doing a high intensity workout, the music should match!! 


It can be tempting to try and workout in your jammies if you’re working out from home. But putting on a workout outfit you feel great in will help turn the switch in your brain and let your body know it’s time to sweat! This is sort of on the same token as the place you choose to workout. Try not to workout in your bedroom since your mind connects this room with sleep. Instead, try the patio, the basement, the living room, or anywhere you have plenty of space to get an effective workout! 

Click here and here for some example at home workouts to try! 

