Motivation Monday: Find Comfort In The Discomfort

Good morning and happy Monday you beautiful people!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,


My goal for my blogs is to always have some sort of intention, or piece of advice to give you that can somehow help you live a better life. Whether it be wellness, nutrition, fitness, happiness, confidence, or just good ole life advice, I am always working to give you value. Well, sister friends, lately life has been showing me all of the advice. 

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Since August, this bible verse has been ringing strong as heck for me. If your version of a power greater than you isn’t God, go ahead and insert your version. The universe has your back, per say. 

Anywho, I am at a point in my life I never EVER imagined I’d be at. Graduating college I thought I’d become a successful CPA rising high and breaking the glass ceiling in the corporate world. In high school, if you’d told me I was going to marry Tyler Hansen I probably would’ve said something like, “will he ever talk to me though?” We were shy ;) Follow a man in his career? Yeah, right! 

Now, I’m married to my soul mate, I get to watch him live his dreams every single day, he encourages me daily to live out my own dreams with more support than I ever could imagine, and we’re moving to freaking Italy! Excuse my French. 

But that’s the funny thing. You dream up this big incredible dream, and then God gives you that and something even greater. I’ve never felt more sure of the path of my life than I do now. 

While we live in Italy, there is going to be a slight shift in my business, my coaching, my blog, and social media platforms. 

I’m going to be focusing a lot less on coaching, and a lot more on learning, embracing culture, sharing what I learn, and learning how to stay healthy and well in the land of pasta and wine!! I can already feel that God has something so great in store for me in the next few years, though I have no idea what that might be, and I am ready to take it all in. 

When I lean on faith and trust, this is what my gut tells me to do. When I lean on faith and trust, I feel inspired and excited about what is to come and I am even more excited to share it all with you in hopes of helping you continue to find the healthiest version of you - mind, body, and soul. Even though I don’t know what it is, I feel more excitement than nervousness. 

When was the last time you leaned on faith and trust? When was the last time you felt the comfort of alignment, believing what is to come without being able to see it? Finding comfort in the discomfort as they say. 

Strengthening my spirituality in the past year has given me a stronger sense of calm, a heightened sense of intuition and inspiration, and the courage to continue sharing my message. 

If you’ve been around a while, I talk about how I easily get stressed and overwhelmed. An endless to-do list, pressures from myself, client deadlines, or household duties piling up can easily push me over the edge. I hit a point where I knew it didn’t have to be that way anymore. Life can be enjoyable every single day. You don’t find your personal value in your productivity or achievements, and we’re on this earth for a reason. Let’s spend more time discovering that reason and working toward it instead of focusing on the overwhelm of it all. I once heard the concept that having stress and overwhelm means you’re relying too much on yourself, and you don’t have enough faith in your higher power. 

Strengthening my spirituality is an ongoing process and I am by no means where I want to be yet. 

But, a few things that have helped me are:

  • A spirituality based morning routine. Some things I do for this are reading a devotional every morning, prayer through journaling, or meditation. 

  • Give yourself grace. Learn to step back and ask if this is really worth the stress. The pause and step back is the hardest part.  

  • Find a community or friend who is working on it too and talk about it with them. 

Which of those do you want to start with? Or do you have something different? Share in the comments any ideas you have and let’s help each other out! 

T doesn’t quite understand it, but he’s helped me so so much with this. He is one of my greatest examples, actually. This weekend Tyler graduates from his last piece of training before he is a full fledged fighter pilot, his childhood dream. Tyler has worked his toosh off and then some to get where he is. Click here to read more about that. 

He’s been thrown curve balls, he’s had times he didn’t think he could make it, things haven’t gone his way, yet he’s still here. He’s always held the faith. 

In the end, this big life change and shift has been opening new doors of possibility in my mind and I wanted to share them with you in hopes that you can find comfort and alignment in your own life. If things don’t seem like they’re going the way you thought they would, what signs have you been ignoring about the way you’re now being led? If you’re constantly stressed and overwhelmed wondering what for, can you lean on faith and learn to trust in your intuition and guidance? Know that there is a big juicy, exciting, master plan out there for you. Everything you desire or better is on its way to you now, love.

Trust that.